Tagged: SSO


Enterprise Single Sign-On Server: Unspecified error

Always fun to install BizTalk 2013 without installing Visual Studio first. There seem to be so many components in Visual Studio’s installation that make the BizTalk installation easy. But now busy with the production server I am getting the following error. Brace yourself! Enterprise Single Sign-On Server: Unspecified error After some digging in the instrallation log I noticed some weird text though (C:/Users/<USER>/AppData/Local):   OS Version: 6.1 Build: 7601 Service...


BizTalk 2013 SSO installation error: Internal Error 2337

Just a quick blog here. For myself and for other guys on the Internet run into same problem. I tried to do a cluster installation of the SSO Master Secret Server for BizTalk Server 2013 and I got the error below: Product: Microsoft Enterprise Single Sign-On — Internal Error 2337. 0, Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBoxCopy.dll The solution is easy. Make sure you install the .Net Framework (4.5) first. And then restart your SSO Master Secret Server...


Enterprise Single Sign-On not working

I encountered the following problems when installing BizTalk 2009 on a Windows 7 64-bit environment. The SSO (Enterprise Single Sign-On) wasn’t able to connect to the database at first, and after fixing that, I encountered the second entry in the event log. Failed to connect to the SQL database ‘SSODB’ on SQL Server ‘MCARR’0×80131700 (Win32) Could not create SSOSQL. To fix the problem, reinstall SSO or try ‘regasm SSOSQL.dll’ from...